We have continuously listened to your feedback which inspired us to improve the Bulk Send Flow. With the latest improvement of the bulk sends, errors and warnings are presented in real time and also with details on what needs to be fixed. Let's see how it works!
1. Click the "Send Gift" button and choose the campaign you want to send.
2. In the Recipient step, you will see Single or Bulk.
3. Choose Bulk to send the campaign to multiple recipients. In this step there are 2 options:
- Drag and drop a CSV file
- Add contacts manually
4. To upload up to 5000 contacts at once via a CSV, click on "Download CSV Template" or to add a contact one by one, simply click on "Add a Contact"
5. If you download the CSV, depending on the campaign type you are sending and your user role at Reachdesk, the CSV template will be different.
6. The CSV template will have the following details:
- It will include all relevant fields for the type of campaign you are sending
- Each column will say Required is it is required - for e.g. Country (Required)
- Each column will have additional details in parenthesis so it is clear what you need to input - for e.g. Bundle Delivery Method (standard or express)
Sending on behalf of another user:
- Only admins can send on behalf of another Reachdesk user so the Sender email column will only appear for admin roles. If a sender role populates the Sender email column, this will be ignored and the campaign will still be sent by the sender user.
- If Sender email is added, you must add the the wallet type and wallet currency of the user whose email you added in sender email. For e.g. if you are John Smith and you are sending on behalf of Jane Doe, you will put jane.doe@test.com in the sender email, and you will need to add a wallet that Jane Doe has access to - either their user wallet, or a team wallet of a team they belong to.
- You must use the exact format that is in the downloadable template or the feature won’t work. We recommend downloading the most recent CSV template to avoid any issues.
- Before uploading your CSV file please make sure to update the address and company name fields to 30 characters max. In case the information added exceeds the maximum characters allowed, the software will show you contact fields that are exceeding the limit and require your attention.
7. In case you need to add custom CSV variables, please read this article.
8. After reviewing your CSV, drag and drop it or click on the Drag and Drop CSV option to choose your CSV file. At this step you will see any contacts with pending issues. You can either:
- update the missing or invalid data by editing each contact
- edit your CSV and click on Replace CSV
9. This is an example of how you can 'edit' each contact by clicking on the pencil icon
10. In case you cannot provide the necessary information, you can remove the contact by clicking the trash icon.
11. Once all contacts are valid, you can proceed to the next steps to send your campaign.
12. Once you reach the Payment step (in case you have multiple payment wallets), we will validate the total estimated cost for all the contacts added by the user.
13. Proceed to the next steps until you reach the Review step. You can see the details of each recipient by clicking on the dropdown next to Name. If everything looks correct, click "Send now"
Will you push any data back to Salesforce?
We only push data back to Salesforce if :
Your Reachdesk campaign is syncing with Salesforce
The contact has email in the CSV
The email in the CSV matches the email in salesforce
We do not push address data back to Salesforce. This is important if you're sending to home addresses. We only push activity e.g. under the contact's or lead's name activity log you'll see [Reachdesk] sent or shipped or delivered cupcakes.
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