Here are some of the highlights you can find on our October 2024 Product Update:
- Search gifts by theme, occasion, or phrase and get more meaningful and personalized gift recommendations using the new intelligent search in our Marketplace catalog.
- Provide more choices for senders to send a gift from our marketplace with our new send from the marketplace experience.
- Control gift spending per campaign with our monthly user budgets on campaigns.
- Automate user management with SCIM provisioning in Okta.
Read this month's Product Release Notes to learn more!
Intelligent search in our marketplace catalog
We’ve improved the Marketplace catalog to always return meaningful results no matter what you search for!
- Get more tailored recommendations based on persona: When you previously searched for “a gift for my boss”, you’d get no results. With the new intelligent search, you get 21 results, with “boss lady gift box” and “bobblehead best boss” raking at the top.
- Get more inspiration for special occasions: Previously, search results were based on keyword matches - when you searched for “new baby gift” in the Marketplace, our platform returned only 5 results. With the new intelligent search, “new baby gift” returns 28 results.
The new intelligent search is great when you’re searching our Marketplace by theme, occasion, or phrase — since we’re close to Halloween, give it a go a search for “spooky” gifts 🎃 👻. The new intelligent search will be released to all customers in the week of November 4.
New send from the marketplace experience
We have improved the experience of sending a gift from the marketplace when an "empower the sender" campaign is used. Users will get redirected to the marketplace catalog automatically if they have access to only one “empower the sender” marketplace campaign, and they will see a “Pick your own gift” banner if they have access to one or more “empower the sender” marketplace campaign, and other types of campaigns. This provides more options for senders to choose a gift and saves admins time spent on creating different marketplace campaigns per gift. Read more about it here or watch our demo.
Item families
Sign up for early access now by contacting your CSM! Item Families are a way to better organize your inventory within the items tab. Assigning SKUs to an Item Family will group them for easier viewing. For example, if your inventory includes a Branded T-shirt, but this T-shirt comes in small, medium, large, or extra large, instead of these being viewed as completely separate and unrelated items, you can group them into a Family and they will be grouped under a single row, which can be expanded to view each size. Learn more here.
You can also sign up for early access directly from the platform via our roadmap! From the settings menu in the top right, select "Product roadmap", select the feature under the early access tab, and click on 'Extremely important - I want early access'.
Auto-correct US zip-codes
Bulk orders are sometimes submitted with US zip-codes that are less than 5 characters. With CSVs, when cells begin with zeros, all leading '0' will be automatically cut off, which does not help to handle US addresses in bulk. To help combat this we have introduced an automatic correction that will add '0's to the front of any US zip-codes that are 4 digits or less when processing the order. This way, your sends will have fewer errors, when requested in bulk.
Monthly user spend limits on campaigns
For better gift budget restrictions and better security, you can now add a monthly user spend limit per campaign or triggered campaign. If the spend limit on the campaign is reached:
- For 1-to-1 sends: the sender will be prevented from sending the campaign if they try to send it. The campaign will be disabled and will say “exceeds budget” when the sender is choosing a campaign to send.
- For bulk sends, landing page sends, and triggered sends: the gift send will be set to “pending” and will need to be approved or rejected by an admin.
- To approve the send: the spend limit can be temporarily updated to be higher than the current limit.
Read more about it here or watch our demo video.
Self-service gift cancellations
Users can now cancel gifts that have not been claimed or sent to our vendors or warehouse for processing. This provides better control, especially if the gift has bounced or the recipient is no longer part of the customer engagement, and allows users to get their unclaimed balance back faster, as they can cancel gifts instead of waiting for them to expire. Admins can cancel all sends, while senders and campaign managers can only cancel their sends, as long as the gift has the following statuses:
- Physical gifts: Scheduled, Waiting address confirmation, Opened, Clicked, Sent reminder email
- eGifts: Scheduled, Sent, Opened, Clicked, Sent reminder email
More details in the Sends CSV export
We have added the following details to the Sends CSV export to provide better reporting metrics for our users:
- Total bundle item cost - the total cost of all items in the bundle send.
- Send date - the date the gift is sent.
- Contact external Id - for example, the Salesforce contact Id.
- Sender status - whether the user is active or inactive.
- Marketplace gift name - to identify the gift recipients chose.
To export your Sends CSV, go to the Sends page and click "Download as CSV." Learn more here.
Automatic user provisioning with SCIM in Okta
If you have a lot of users to manage, it can take a lot of time to manually add, update, and deactivate users at Reachdesk. With SCIM provisioning in Okta, you can now have an automated way of creating, updating, and deactivating users at Reachdesk. SCIM will need to be setup in Okta and admins can configure how users are mapped between Okta and Reachdesk. Once SCIM is enabled:
- Users will automatically be created in Reachdesk with a sender role.
- User names and email will automatically be updated in Reachdesk if they are updated in Okta.
- Users will automatically be deactivated in Reachdesk if they are deactivated in Okta.
Note: We cannot automatically update teams yet, but this is coming up soon! Learn more about how to set up SCIM provisioning in Okta here.
Get transactions via Reachdesk API
Transactions data from Reachdesk is now consumable via our public API. Users can fetch transaction data based on a certain date, transaction type, and status. This will be useful so customers can report on their gift spending in a better way instead of having to export our transaction data via CSV.
To get transactions, connect via our API and refer to our "List Transactions" to get a request for transaction data based on a given timeframe, transaction type, or states, teams, and users. Refer to our documentation here.
Stay tuned for next month's updates!
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