We are now working with Food Banks in the UK, US and Australia! Extra items that you want to donate? Check out the info below to see how!
We are working with the Peterborough Food Bank in the UK who will be delighted to receive any food donations! The items can be delivered to their warehouse at: Dodson Way Fengate Peterborough PE1 5XG and they are open Monday to Friday from 10.00-13.00.
They update their website frequently to highlight items that are low in stock!
Donations can also be made in certain stores, this information is below
We now have a solution for food/gift wasting near the US warehouse. The Central Food Bank of Pennsylvania and take any excess food items that you want us to donate instead of tossing! This food bank covers 26 counties in PA and accepts all packaged goods, even accepting some household items!
The details of donations should include the below:
Pallet counts
Expiration dates
Beth can be contacted at bhamilton@centralpafoodbank.org
Based on the above details she will provide the date/time for collection!
The Australian Food Bank is located in NSW and the donations will need to go to the below address, Monday - Friday from 07:00AM- 15:30PM.
The team would like to know the below details before deliveries are made and the contact is: andrew.wong@foodbanknsw.org.au
The details of donations should include the below:
Date & Approx time of drop-off
Transportation Company
Product type (from the below items!)
Expiry date (Best before date, or use by date)
Is the product fully labelled as per Australian retail standards?
Address: 50 Owen St, Glendenning NSW 2761
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