If you'd like to have sight of or restrict what your users are sending, and to whom before the gift is sent out, this is the tool for you.
At a campaign level, you are able to set that requirement for a campaign. To do so please click on the toggle under the Send settings 'Require Admin Approval'. The gifts will be 'pending' until approved on the Sends page.
Note: this does not include triggered campaigns.
How does this work?
Whenever a sender creates a gift send with a campaign where 'Require Admin Approval' is switched on, the Campaign Manager, or Admin who created that campaign will receive an email that there is a pending order. This email will be sent once a day, showing all pending sends in one email.
They will need to click 'Click here to review', this will take them to Reachdesk to approve or reject that order via the Sends tab.
What happens next?
If you reject the order, the sender will not be notified and there is no further action required. If you approve the order, the following will happen:
For e-gifts
If the sender has chosen to send a Reachdesk email, their email will be processed and sent right away to the recipient.
If the sender has chosen to generate a link, they will receive an email to retrieve their link:
Clicking 'Get my link' will take them here, to retrieve their link:
For physical gifts
If the sender has chosen to ask a recipient to confirm their address via email, their email will be processed and sent right away to the recipient.
If the sender has chosen to generate a link, they will receive an email to retrieve their link:
Clicking 'Get my link' will take them here, to retrieve their link:
If the sender has chosen to send the gift anyway, the gift will be sent right away.
What does the sender see?
For sending via a Reachdesk email / sending anyway (if a physical gift):
For sending via a link/URL:
Note: If an admin, or a campaign manager send a campaign with require admin approval turned on, the send will automatically go through with no approval needed.
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