We are unlocking the capability to send to more countries from our Irish warehouse. To see where we can ship internationally by warehouse, please review our latest rate card. We’re excited to help you deliver moments that matter to more people.
To enable this feature we need the following information:
- Product description - Describe each item accurately e.g. ‘Men’s cotton shirt’. Please avoid more general descriptions such as ‘clothes’.
- Product country of origin - The country where the goods originated, where they were produced or assembled.
- Cost - This is the cost of the individual item, e.g 7.80 for a water bottle. You may be asked to prove the cost of the item if the customs officers think the price is incorrect.
- Currency - The currency the cost is stated in.
- Harmonized Code (HS Code) - A number a 10 digit number used by customs to classify the product being shipped. It is used to define the duties and taxes.
- This tool helps you find the 10 digit number (commodity code or HS code) which you can search for in Fedex to determine the duties and taxes worldwide.
Please email us at support@reachdesk.com if you have any questions.
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