Why are customs details important?
Customs details are required in order for an item to be shipped internationally, outside our warehouse's trade zone. For more information about tarrif codes, review this article. To understand where our warehouses ship internationally, review our latest rate card. We have recently introduced a way for users to update the customs details of an item directly in the platform.
How to add customs details against an item
The following steps can be done for a new item or an existing item in the platform.
1. In the Item Page, after populating the Name and Item Description, click on the toggle that says "Do you plan on shipping this item outside of the warehouse’s trade zone?" This will expose the rest of the Customs Details section.
2. Fill out the following details in the Customs Details section.
Single Unit Cost - This is the cost of the individual item, e.g 7.80 for a water bottle. You may be asked to prove the cost of the item if the customs officers think the price is incorrect.
Manufactured In - The country where the goods originated, where they were produced or assembled.
Tariff or HS Code (Harmonized Code) - A number a 10 digit number used by customs to classify the product being shipped. It is used to define the duties and taxes.
- This tool from Fedex is useful for helping determine what the HS code might be. Alternatively, reach out to your supplier who should be able to provide you with this.
3. Confirm that you understand this information will be used in the customs declaration form when the item is shipped internationally and that any inaccurate information can cause delays in shipping. This needs to be ticked in order for the item to be "ready for global shipping."
4. Click Save Item
5. The next time you add this item to a ship notice or send it as part of the campaign, it should say that the item is "Ready for Global Shipping" See example below.
If you are having any issues, or have any questions about this process, please contact support@reachdesk.com.
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