Time to get integrated with your people management platform
Yesss!!! One more HRIS integration! Reachdesk integrates with Workday too, let's set it up!
What do I need to set up the Workday integration?
Let me guide you through this setup. Workday requires you to create an Integration System User (ISU) in order to configure your Workday integration.
Create an Integration System User
- Log in to your Workday tenant using an administrator account
- In the search box of the Workday application, type Create integration and it will suggest the 'Create Integration System User' task, please select it
- In the next screen please add :
- User Name
- New Password
- New Password Verify
- Click OK
Now let's add this Integration System User (ISU) to a Security Group
Create a Security Group and Assign an Integration System User
- In the search box of the Workday application, find the 'Create Security Group' task and select it
Then select 'User-Based Security Group'
In the field name enter a group name
Click OK
Select the Integration System User and click OK
Click Done
Configuring domain security policy permissions
At this stage we need to configure the domain security policy permissions.
In the usual search box let's find the 'Domain Security Policy Permissions'
Add the permissions for the following data:
Job Requisition Data:
Person Data
- Personal Data
- Name
- Citizenship Status
- Date of Birth
- Disabilities
- Gender
- Government IDs
- ID Information
- Marital Status
- National ID Identification
- Personal Information
- Photo
- Home Contact Information
- Home Address
- Home Email
- Home Phone
- Work Contact Information
- Work Address
- Work Email
- Work Phone
Worker Data
- All Positions
- Compensation
- Current Staffing Information
- Employment Data
- Organization Information
- Public Worker Reports
Time Off
- Time Off
- Time Off Manager View
- Time Off Balances
- Time Off Balances Manager View
- Workers
We are almost there...it's time to activate security policy changes
Activating security policy changes
- Search box again, yes! Let's type 'activate pending' and search for 'Activate Pending Security Policy Changes' task and select it
- Complete the task on the next screen by approving and activate the pending policies
Last step, I promise...We'll need access to the Workday HR endpoints, so please follow the below path to Obtain the Web Services Endpoints for Workday Tenant :
- Search box, type 'Public Web Services'
Open the 'Public Web Services Report'
Hover over 'Human resource' and click the three dots to access the menu
Click Web Services, then View WSDL
Navigate to the bottom of the page that opens and you'll find the host
Now you are ready to use the Workday integration, navigate to Reachdesk → Settings →Integrations → People. Click ‘Connect’ on Workday integration, paste the URL link, hit the ‘submit’ button and you’ll be ready to send gifts to employees via Reachdesk!
Note: When connecting a new integration it will take up to an hour from the moment the integration is connected before the employee data can be fetched and used. If you find things are taking longer than 24 hours, please follow up with support@reachdesk.com. The integration will be then synced every day at 7 AM UTC.
That's it! You're all set. You can automate sending gifts to your employees via Reachdesk!
Who can set up this integration within Reachdesk?
For any HRIS integration we require only one user to set up the connection between the integration and Reachdesk.
Who can access a user’s integration?
Every user who can access the Reachdesk platform is allowed to use the data in the integration once it has been set up. It's important that a user that connects the integration is an admin or has high visibility on the HRIS being connected: they need to have access to employees that have left, have not yet started as well as address, birthday and start date information in order for the product to run effectively.
Note : Reminder that only Reachdesk admins or CM can create triggered campaigns. For further info please refer to this article.
Can I connect more than one HRIS software?
You can only connect one HRIS software per organisation at a time. For example if you connected the Reachdesk platform to HiBob you won’t be able to connect to Workday at the same time. In case you need to use a different HRIS software please disconnect the first one, Hibob to follow the previous example and then connect to the Workday integration.
Does Reachdesk update data on the HRISs after connecting?
No, Reachdesk only has permission to read from HRIS and does not push any new data or updates to HRIS. HRIS remains the source of truth for data and Reachdesk syncs with them once a day so that we can have the most up-to-date records.
If you have any questions not covered here, please let us know at support@reachdesk.com!
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