What are team wallets?
A team wallet is a wallet that can store credit specific to a team. Here's a helpful video going over this feature.
Who has access to team wallets?
- All admins have access to team wallets
- If a user who has a campaign manager or sender role is added as a wallet owner, they also have access to view and update the team wallet, and add credit to this wallet.
To add or update the wallet owner, go to the team wallet's overview tab > Owners > select any sender or campaign manager user you want to have access to this wallet.
Where can I see my team wallets?
OPTION # 1: Go to Balances > Wallets > Click on the Team Wallets tab
OPTION # 2: Go to Teams > Select a Team > General Settings
I've gone to those pages, but I can't see my team wallets.
This means you have not yet 1) created a team wallet or 2) added credit to a team yet. Please follow the instructions below.
How can I create a team wallet?
- Go to Balances > Wallets > Team Wallets > Click Add New
- Select the Team
- Select the Currency
- Make sure this team does not already have this currency as a team wallet. For e.g. the UK Marketing Team can only have ONE Marketing Team GBP wallet.
- Click Save
- You new team wallet will show up on the Team Wallets list.
What information does the team wallet have?
You can only see the following:
- Wallet's name - Combination of the Team Name and the currency for that wallet
- Wallet's currency - This is the currency of the funds that are stored in the wallet. Note that the currency cannot be changed once the wallet is created.
- Wallet's Available Balance - This is the amount of money that can be transferred to other wallets, or allocated to users within the team.
How can I add credit to a team wallet?
You can use the Add Credit feature as explained here.
How can I use a Team wallet to provide balance to a user?
OPTION # 1: If you want to transfer a specific amount at any give time from a team wallet to a user wallet, you can use the Transfer Credit feature as explained here.
OPTION # 2: Funds can be allocated to a user wallet per month via the team's budget settings
You can select the Team Wallet as the Wallet Source for the budget rule. In this example, 200 GBP will come from the team wallet every month and will be allocated to users within that team.
Refer to this help article for how to use team wallets to set user spend limits.
How can I see the total remaining balance for team wallets?
This can be accessed in the Balances > Wallets > Summary page
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