When sending bundles from our warehouse, we only charge the user the shipping and handling fee. Usually the items are either sourced directly by customers, or sourced by our Professional Services team, which means the purchase of these items can happen outside the platform.
In order to show a more accurate gift spend and ROI, we have added a way to apply the item cost to our Insights page.
How do I apply the item cost to total gift spend and ROI?
Go to the Integrations page > Salesforce advanced options, and you will see a toggle called "Apply item cost to total spend and ROI" that you can enable:
What type of gifts will this impact?
If a gift was sent from our warehouse and this item has a "unit cost," we will add the unit cost to the total spend and ROI related to that bundle campaign.
Where can I add the unit cost of a warehouse item?
Go to the Item page, and you can add the Unit cost below the Team Access field.
What happens when I update the unit cost of a warehouse item?
- If that item never had a unit cost before, we will update the total spend and ROI of existing sends related to bundle campaigns that include this item with the new unit cost.
- If that item had a unit cost before, we will update the total spend and ROI of new sends related to bundle campaigns that include this item with the new unit cost.
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