Customers can sync Opportunity data from Salesforce into Reachdesk in order to measure their gifting ROI and report on how gifting influences pipeline and deals won. Please review this article to understand how Reachdesk gifting insights can help prove the value of gifting.
You can also learn how to connect Salesforce with Reachdesk to report on gifting ROI.
Different Types of Gifting ROI
Pipeline ROI - Measures the pipeline revenue generated against the total cost spent on gifts that helped generate them.
- For e.g. if your pipeline ROI is 100x, this means that for every dollar you spend on gifting, you get 100 times in return in pipeline revenue.
- This helps you measure how much gifting is able to influence the size of your pipeline and how much revenue you generate from your pipeline.
Closed Won ROI - Measures the closed won revenue generated against the total cost spent on gifts that helped close them.
- For e.g. if your closed won ROI is 150x, this means that for every dollar you spend on gifting, you get 150 times in return in closed won revenue.
- This helps you measure how much gifting is able to help you win more deals, increase your win rate and increase the amount of revenue generated from closed won deals.
Default & Custom Gifting Attribution Rates
Every company will have their own attribution model, and gifting will be one type of marketing channel that is considered as part of this model. In order to provide flexibility in our reporting, we have provided the following default gifting attribution rates, which can also be customised based on our customer's attribution model:
- Pipeline ROI Attribution Rate - 30%
- Closed Won ROI Attribution Rate - 50%
Gifting ROI Calculations
You can find the following on the Insights Page > Influence Tab
Pipeline Influenced
- Opps created refers to number of opportunities created and related with a Salesforce contact who redeemed a gift x months based on the opportunity creation window before the opportunity start date
- Pipeline Influenced refers to the total value of pipeline opportunities created
- Gifts Redeemed refers to gifts redeemed x months based on the opportunity creation window before the opportunity start date (3 months is the default)
- Total Spend refers to total spend on gifts redeemed x months based on the opportunity creation window before the opportunity start date
- Pipeline ROI refers to the return on pipeline influenced revenue based on pipeline gift spend
- [(Pipeline Influenced x Pipeline Influenced ROI attribution rate) - Pipeline Total Gift Spend] / Pipeline Total Gift Spend
Closed Won Influenced
- Opps influenced refers to number of closed won opportunities related with a Salesforce contact who redeemed a gift after the opportunity start date and before the close date.
- Influenced Revenue refers to the total value of closed won opportunities influenced
- Gifts Redeemed refers to gifts redeemed after the opportunity is created and before it is closed won
- Total Spend refers to total spend on gifts redeemed after the opportunity is created and before the opportunity is closed won
- Closed Won ROI refers to the return on closed won influenced revenue based on closed won gift spend
- [(Closed Won Influenced x Closed Won Influenced ROI attribution rate) - Closed Won Total Gift Spend] / Closed Won Total Gift Spend
Potential Influence
- Close rate refers to the percentage of closed won opportunities based on the ratio of won and lost opportunities in which a recipient has redeemed a gift
- Potential Revenue refers to the value of open opportunities created and related with a Salesforce contact who redeemed a gift x months based on the opportunity creation window before the opportunity start date and until the current date.
- Potential ROI refers to the potential return on investment from closed won and open opportunities based on current gift spend and close rate
- ((Influenced Revenue + Potential Revenue x Close Rate) - Total Spend) / Total Spend
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