Integrations & API
How to connect Reachdesk with your Marketing, Sales, and CRM tools
- Adding Leads to your Salesforce instance with Reachdesk Landing Pages
- Sync gift spend to a Contact, Lead or Campaign Member in Salesforce
- Salesforce Widget…”May the force be with you”
- Salesforce Integration 💪
- Using date criteria to trigger a Reachdesk send via Salesforce
- Generate a gift link for multiple use via Salesforce
- Hubspot Integration 🔥
- Setting up a Triggered campaign in Hubspot using a Webhook
- Generate a gift link for multiple use for sends via HubSpot sequence and marketing emails
- How to integrate Physical Gift choices into your Hubspot Forms and Automate via Workflows
- Adding Contacts to your Hubspot instance with Reachdesk Landing Pages
- Tracking and Measuring your Reachdesk Campaigns in HubSpot 📙 (Under construction)
- Adding Contacts to your Marketo with Reachdesk Landing Pages
- Send and track 1-2-1 sends via Marketo
- Connecting Marketo and Reachdesk
- Connecting additional Marketo users to the Reachdesk platform
- Add custom variable in a Marketo webhook for a triggered campaign
- 3 Marketo <> Reachdesk use cases to get you started
- How to connect Reachdesk to Salesloft
- How to install the Reachdesk App in Salesloft
- How to use the Reachdesk App in Salesloft
- How to automate gift follow ups with Reachdesk Plays in Salesloft Rhythm
- Connect Reachdesk users to Salesloft & download the chrome extension to send gifts
- Generate a gift link for multiple use via Salesloft cadence emails
- How to connect Reachdesk with Outreach
- How to install and use the Reachdesk App in Outreach
- Automate next steps in Outreach based on Reachdesk gifting activity
- Connecting users to Outreach & Downloading the Chrome Extension
- Generate a gift link for multiple use via Outreach sequence emails
- Tracking ROI of your Reachdesk Campaigns in Outreach (and through to Salesforce)
ABM Integrations
- Reachdesk <> Zapier Integration
- Using 6sense data in Salesforce to send Reachdesk gifting campaigns 🔮
- Using 6sense data in Marketo to send Reachdesk gifting campaigns 🔮
- 6sense and Reachdesk: an ABM dream team 😍
- Using Terminus data in Salesforce to send Reachdesk gifting campaigns ➡️
- Bombora and Reachdesk: level up your ABM and personalisation efforts 🎯
Book a Meeting
- Book a Meeting using Groove/Clari meeting scheduler
- Book a Meeting using your Outreach Calendar
- Book a Meeting - Salesloft Meetings
- Book a Meeting - Hubspot meetings tool
- Book a Meeting - Calendly
- Book a Meeting - how to generate links
Chrome Extension
Microsoft Dynamics
Reachdesk API
Integrations FAQs
- FAQs for generating a gift link for multiple use
- Time to get Integrated 💻
- Salesforce & Marketo: where should I send my Reachdesk campaigns from? 📭
- Syncing gift statuses from Reachdesk
- What data is synced between Reachdesk and my CRM/Marketing Platform?
- I am integrating Reachdesk with multiple platforms. Which should I use for what type of campaign? 🤯